Friday, May 29, 2009

Racist Press Release?

Sometimes people can make racist digs and not even know it. Like a certain elderly relative of mine who says things like, "She's black, but she's really pretty."

We get a lot of sloppily-written press releases and news tips, and yesterday's really irked me.

They are a Hispanic couple, but chose to renovate this house in this community, and it is beautiful.

Did you catch it?

They are a Hispanic couple, but chose to renovate this house in this community, and it is beautiful.

Even if it said "and," does it really matter what race they are?!

I'm not originally from Abilene and I don't know the demographics of the community in which this beautiful renovation took place. Is it primarily Hispanic? Black? White? Don't know, don't care.

Watch what you say, people. We're all the same.

1 comment:

  1. Nice to see all the response to this one!

    I had to do a double take when i saw that. It was like they had to overcome being Hispanic to renovate in the community.
