Thursday, April 16, 2009

City Council Debate

Tonight we're hosting two debates, one for Abilene City Council Place 1 and the other for Place 2. The debates will be posted in their entirety on

I've never put together a debate before so I hope I've done everything correctly. Luckily this isn't Bob's or Downing's first rodeo, so they've helped me out a lot.

Here are my fears:
  1. I'll forget to record them. I have one thing set to record straight into the computer and another to record on tape. But do I need a backup for my backup?
  2. The set won't be lit properly. We're taping this in one of the studios in an area that's normally lit for one person, not three. I'm sure it will be fine but it still worries me.
  3. We'll be ironing out the kinks for the first debate, and it will take so long to get it going that the next one will be pushed back and I won't get home til Friday morning!
  4. STORMS WILL HIT! Our #1 concern is our viewers and their safety, so if severe weather happens while we're supposed to be taping the debates, sorry guys. Gotta go on the air.

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