Tuesday, August 2, 2011

You Don't See Most of Us

We're getting a new technical director for our Daybreak and Noontab news reports this week. That means we will also have a new person to operate our news graphics computer...and a new camera operator for the studio camera.
Franklin Hughes is leaving. He's the guy who has been primarily responsible for the technical side of our reports. Franklin has been a very good partner for our reports. He replaced Jake Templeton, another good director. The next director will be Sharon Henley. She is very young and talented. I'm sure that she is going to be excellent. Our news reports go quickly, by design. It's time to get ready and roll. It requires quick thinking and quick action.
Monica and I work hard on our reports, but we can't do it without the people you don't see. I appreciate the talents and the dedication of the people who set and focus the cameras, operate the audio controls and punch all of the buttons on the control panel to actually put our reports on the air. It's very much the same for the news reports later in the day.